On 11/07/10 11:03 PM, Matthias Bohlen wrote:

how do I aggregate junit test reports from all of the subprojects of a root project in a multi-project build so that I can view them in a browser, starting from a single index.html?

Here's some options. Neither of them work 100% well.

- You can use Ant's junitreport task, something like:

task testReport {
    dependsOn subprojects*.test
    doFirst {
        ant.junitreport(todir: "$buildDir/testreport") {
            subprojects.each { fileset(dir: testResultsDir) }

the problem with this approach is that the task depends on every test task, which means you cannot easily run it for just a subset of projects.

- You can point the test results and test report dirs of each subproject to the same place:

subprojects {
    testResultsDir = rootProject.testResultsDir
    testReportDir = rootProject.testReportDir

I think this works better, as that you can run whichever test task you like, and you'll end up with an aggregate report of whatever tests happen to have been run. The problem with this approach is that the report is generated after every test task, which can be a bit expensive.

We do plan to add some kind of aggregate report at some point. Not sure exactly how this will look, but there will be a single index.html from which you can navigate to the results of all the tests (and checkstyle results, and coverage when it happens, and so on).

Adam Murdoch
Gradle Developer
CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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