
Seems I've not accounted for version problem. I'm running 1.0 milestone 4;
which doesn't work. However, I see now that milestone 3 and latest snapshot
of milestone 5 works.

It seems it might be neccessary to jump on milestone 5 snapshot.

Thanks for the help

Thor Åge Eldby

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Luke Daley <luke.da...@gradleware.com>wrote:

> Hi Thor,
> On 03/10/2011, at 2:32 PM, Thor Åge Eldby wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a module (a plugin) I need to develop new extensions to now and
> then. This module has its own project. When developing it I try to use the
> maven plugin to install (gradle install) new versions to the local maven
> repository (~/.m2/repository):
>     apply plugin: 'java'
>     apply plugin: 'maven'
>     group = 'no.org'
>     version = '14-SNAPSHOT'
> Then I try to test the updated version from the other project:
>     buildscript {
>         repositories {
>             mavenLocal()
>         }
>         dependencies {
>             classpath('no.org:myplugin:14-SNAPSHOT')
>         }
>     }
> The first time of course is ok, but after that I will always get the same
> stale jar. I assume this is because it gets stuck in the ivy repository. If
> I delete ~/.gradle I will get a new version again. However its a little bit
> cumbersome to have to remove the global cache each time. Is there anyway
> around this?
> See example projects in zip
> I just ran this example and didn't have any problem with it as is.
> I ran `gradle install` in myplugin, then `gradle doTest` in mypluginuser. I
> then changed the message in myp.Test, ran `gradle install` then ran `gradle
> doTest` in mypluginuser and saw the updated message.
> Could there be something else in your environment getting in the way?
> --
> Luke Daley
> Principal Engineer, Gradleware
> http://gradleware.com

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