
I'm trying to add this dependency:

jdocbookStyles("org.jboss:jbossorg-fonts:1.0.0:jdocbook-style") {
    transitive = true

However, when I do this:

println configurations.jdocbookStyles.asPath

this dependency doesn't show up in the list. I think the problem is related to 
this option in de pom file of the jbossorg-fonts project:


If you look at the maven repository the extension is actually jdocbook-style 
jar): https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/jboss/jbossorg-fonts/1.0.0/

Strangely, when I replace the dependency with this: 

jdocbookStyles "org.hibernate:hibernate-jdocbook-style:2.0.1"

The jbossorg-fonts dependency shows up in the list. I'm using gradle 



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