Hi Rene,

I did not know about the gradle.properties files.  This indeed is just what I 
was looking for.  In looking at how it is implemented however, I am confused by 
the override behavior.

I'm used to values passed in at the command line to override any other 
settings.  I'm told this is what you'd expect from ant as well.  This seems to 
hold true for -P, but -D is ignored if the value is defined in 

With this in your build.gradle file:
    println "${fruit} is ${System.getProperty('color')}

1) Execute gradle with command line overrides to get:
    >gradle -Pfruit=banana -Dcolor=yellow
    banana is yellow

Next add the following to  gradle.properties in same folder as build.gradle:

2) Execute gradle with command line overrides to get:
   >gradle -Pfruit=banana -Dcolor=yellow
   banana is red

Next add the following to gradle.properties in ~/.gradle:

3) Execute gradle with command line overrides to get:
>gradle -Pfruit=banana -Dcolor=yellow
banana is orange

I'm using milestone-3.  Is this the expected behavior?


From: Rene Groeschke [mailto:gra...@breskeby.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:05 PM
To: user@gradle.codehaus.org
Subject: Re: [gradle-user] init script to parameterize build?

Hi Richard,
for user specific properties, you can use the gradle.properties file in your 
user related gradle directory. On my mac this would be 
~/.gradle/gradle.properties. All properties defined in this file overwrite 
according values defined in a project specific gradle.properties file. IMHO 
this is the most convenient way to provide user specific properties for your 
build scripts.


Am 17.10.11 21:54, schrieb Richard Miehe:
I have been passing in several settings using on my gradle command line using 
-D.  Many of the settings are always the same for a particular machine or user. 
 It seems like init.gradle is the perfect spot to put this type of thing.

I have not found any way of defining variables in an init script, then 
accessing them from a build.gradle script.  Am I missing something obvious?

Any examples would be appreciated.

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