On 10/24/2011 10:31 AM, David Kowis wrote:
> Appreciate the snippit, but could you explain to me how the "project:
> ant.project" stuff works?
> I'm looking at this:
> http://ant.apache.org/manual/Types/filterchain.html#expandproperties
> which describes it for ant, but I'm not sure how it's being used in this
> gradle script.

Okay, I figured out what this meant, after getting through the API. This
makes sense to me.

filter( FilterChainClass, PropertiesMap)

So, how do I get my props object, that I need to be redefined each time
so that the properties are properly overriden, or non-existent when
they're not supposed to exist, to show up in the filter method?

I thought it might have something to do with configuration mode vs
execution mode, but I'm not so sure.

I get the following error:
Cause: Could not find method filter() for arguments [class
org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ExpandProperties, {}] on task

So, it cannot find the props object, or it's just an empty props object.
The props.load that happened in doFirst isn't sticking around for the
rest of the task? Maybe I'm referencing the props object incorrectly? If
so, what's the proper way to reference the properties object in a
dynamic task?

Thanks for the help,

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