Hi Leo,

This is a good question. Would you mind posting it on the new Gradle Forums? 

It has much greater visibility to future users there. I'll keep an eye out for 
it and respond there when I see it.

On 29/10/2011, at 3:11 AM, Leo Neumeyer wrote:

> I have the following use case:
> The compile configuration only needs the API of a dependent library. I use 
> transitive = false and works perfectly. I can build my application without 
> using transitive dependencies as follows:
> dependencies {
>     libsList.each {  module ->
>         compile( module ) { transitive = false }
>         api( module )
>     }
>     /* Logging. */
>     compile( libraries.slf4j )
>     compile( libraries.logback_core )
>     compile( libraries.logback_classic )
>     /* Commons. */
>     compile( libraries.commons_io )
>     compile( libraries.commons_config )
>     compile( libraries.commons_coll )
>     ...
> }
> Later in the build script, I need a list all the transitive dependencies for 
> those libraries because I don't want to include them in a fat jar. 
> Couldn't figure out how to get the transitive dependencies in a custom 
> configuration. I'm sure there must be a simple way to do this.
> Thanks!
> -leo
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Hans Dockter wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 9:42 PM, Adrian Abraham <adr...@shadowspire.net> 
>> wrote:
>> I'm working on a fairly significant multiproject build which has many 
>> dependencies (both inter-project and 3rd party). For reasons I won't get 
>> into, I have to have explicit control over all dependencies used in the 
>> project, so I've had to disable transitive dependency resolution for 3rd 
>> party libraries. 
>> Right now, I'm using
>> allprojects {
>>  afterEvaluate { 
>>   configurations.each { configuration -> configuration.transitive = false }
>>  }
>> }
>> You can also use:
>> allprojects {
>>    configurations.all {
>>      transitive = true
>>    }
>> }
>> That will create a rule that sets for all configurations that haven been 
>> created or will be created the transitive property to false.
>> Which seems to do the job.
>> Of course, with no transitive dependencies, if my project Foo depends on 
>> ReallyCoolLibrary, and my project Bar depends on Foo, then Bar also has to 
>> explicitly depend on ReallyCoolLibrary. What I'd love is to find a way to 
>> automatically include transitive dependencies as declared by my own projects.
>> Is there a good way to do this?
>> You can also declare transitive dependencies on a per dependency base. So 
>> you would not specify rules for configuration construction but for 
>> dependency construction:
>> configurations.all {
>>      dependencies.all { dep ->
>>              if (!(dep instanceof ProjectDependency)) {
>>                      dep.transitive = false
>>              }
>>      }
>> }
>> This rule translates to:
>> For the dependencies that have been created or will be created of the 
>> configurations that have been created or will be created resolve external 
>> dependencies non transitively.
>> Those rules are one of the hidden gems of Gradle. I'm looking forward to see 
>> them properly covered in one of the upcoming O'Reilly books by Tim and 
>> Matthew.
>> Hans
>> --
>> Hans Dockter 
>> Founder, Gradle
>> http://www.gradle.org, http://twitter.com/gradleware
>> CEO, Gradleware - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting
>> http://www.gradleware.com

Luke Daley
Principal Engineer, Gradleware 

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