You're probably running into Could 
you try this milestone-7 snapshot:

On 20/12/2011, at 4:14 AM, Eitan Suez wrote:

> hello,
> i'm also trying to upgrade from 1.0M3 to M6.
> ( i reviewed the migration guides, and realize that i'll have to do a
> more thorough review of my build as well;  it's been some time since i
> wrote it ).
> my gradle build file is working just fine with 1.0M3.  i reviewed the
> migration guides (all three of them), and made various revisions, to
> remove errors and deprecation warnings from my build ( 'gradle clean'
> succeeds).
> the first issue i'm running into is a dependency resolution issue.
> below you can clearly see the
> [org.hibernate:ejb3-persistence:1.0.2.GA] library getting pulled down
> (indirectly, from maven central):
> -------------------
> :compileJava
> Download 
> http://repository/content/groups/maven2/org/hibernate/ejb3-persistence/1.0.2.GA/ejb3-persistence-1.0.2.GA.pom
> -------------------
> and yet the compilation step fails with the inability to resolve
> classes from this jar file:
> -------------------
> [ant:javac] 
> /home/eitan/work/bdi/bd-app/src/main/java/com/something/<someline>:
> cannot find symbol
> [ant:javac] symbol  : class CascadeType
> [ant:javac] location: package javax.persistence
> [ant:javac] import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
> [ant:javac]                         ^
> [many more similar exceptions omitted]
> -------------------
> (aside:  i don't understand why are the lines prefixed with ant:javac).
> i proceed to look at my .cache directory:
> -------------------
> ~/.gradle/caches/artifacts-4/org.hibernate/ejb3-persistence/5a30cbc24bcce44261eeeefe8de7b1f6$
> ls -lF
> total 8
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 eitan eitan 2198 2008-04-28 20:33 ivy-1.0.2.GA.xml
> drwxrwxr-x 2 eitan eitan 4096 2011-12-19 10:52 pom.originals/
> -------------------
> note, there's no 'jars' directory!
> for comparison, here's a separate dependency, which has a 'jars'
> directory (and which resolves just fine):
> -------------------
> ~/.gradle/caches/artifacts-4/org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations/5a30cbc24bcce44261eeeefe8de7b1f6$
> ls -lF
> total 12
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 eitan eitan 3135 2008-09-26 15:44 ivy-3.4.0.GA.xml
> drwxrwxr-x 2 eitan eitan 4096 2011-12-19 10:44 jars/
> drwxrwxr-x 2 eitan eitan 4096 2011-12-19 10:44 pom.originals/
> -------------------
> does anyone have an idea what could be going on here?
> thanks,
> / eitan
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Adam Murdoch
Gradle Co-founder
VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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