Are you talking about using Simon Tuffs' One-JAR 
(  I use this to package a "fat" executable 
jar in a Gradle script for one of my projects.

I think you have 2 options for using One-JAR within Gradle:

1.  Try out one of the few Gradle plugins that some smart people have written 
e.g. Robert Fischer's OneJar plugin

2.  Use One-JAR's Ant task within your Gradle script.

I currently use #2 b/c it was really easy and allowed me to customize my build 
the way I wanted.  I use something like this:

apply plugin: "java"

jar {
        manifest {
                attributes 'Main-Class': 'your.executable.MainClass'

task oneJar {
        dependsOn jar
        doFirst {
                ant.taskdef(name: "onejar", classname: 
"com.simontuffs.onejar.ant.OneJarTask", classpath: 
file("one-jar-ant-task-0.96.jar"), onerror: "report")
jar.destinationDir.path+"/"+project.archivesBaseName+"-cli-"+version+".jar") {
                        ant.main(jar: project.tasks.jar.archivePath)
                        ant.lib() {
                                configurations.runtime.findAll { 
!configurations.provided.contains(it) }.each { f ->
                                        ant.fileset(file: f.path)

Where "provided" is a custom configuration used simply to make sure certain 
things are excluded from the "fat" jar.

Good luck!

Andrew Goode | Technical Architect/Team Lead
tel: 678-762-6861
1200 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA, 30319

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-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Studner []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:26 AM
Subject: [gradle-user] combo of things i'm trying to accomplish

I'm trying to wean someone off maven (yay!).. but they have one plugin I can't 
seem to beat :)

I want to be able to make, essentially, a "fat jar" that also has a MANIFEST.MF 
that is executable.

so fat jar problem (get all the classes etc etc into 1 jar).. combined with 
executable jar.




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