I would like to checkout a tag from SVN and then build an RPM. I've written the 
checkout as a Gradle task, and the RPM build is in an existing Ant target. I 
want the Gradle task to precede the Ant target. Here are the definitions:

ant.importBuild "build.xml"
task checkout << {

Ant (build.xml)
<target name="build-tarball" depends="build-war" description="Create the source 
tarball used to create the RPM.">
<target name="build-rpm" depends="checkout,build-tarball">

When I run the Ant target build-rpm from Gradle, I want the Gradle checkout 
task to run, then the build-tarball Ant target, and then the build-rpm target. 
Unfortunately, checkout never happens, and build-tarball (with its 
dependencies) starts running. Naturally it fails.

Any insight into how to get the dependency sequence to be honored is 


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