(Attempted to post this to forums, but post button changed to posting... and 
then back to post, but it never showed up.  It seems to not like newer versions 
of Firefox now -- and I'm too lazy to fire up chrome just for one post) so....

Before 1.0-milestone-9, pmd and findbugs were second-class plugins and not 
wired in as dependencies of the "check" task (at least my custom tasks were 

Anyone who has utilized findbugs knows that it is not always a "quick" 

Previously for our java projects, we'd just invoke "gradle build" and assemble 
tasks and check tasks were quick (1 minute and some change for a clean build of 
our multi-project build).  Attempting to convert over to milestone-9, a single 
findbugs check on one subproject can take more than that time, so the pending 
convention is "gradle assemble test".

Gradle is nice in that there are several options: don't specify a task and let 
it use the defaultTasks (set them to assemble and test), create some special 
meta-task that simply depends upon assemble and test, explicitly adjust the 
doFirst() of the findbugs tasks to not do anything unless some property is set, 

Should there be something like a "fastBuild" task that developers utilize for 
quick compiles and simple tests, and some progressively named "checkedBuild" 
that runs static analyzers, and maybe "integrationBuild" that runs 
heavier-weight tests?  I'm not really sure where to go with this other than I 
need to do something so that developers used to typing "gradle build" don't 
start hating me because their 10-30 second builds bloat into several minutes 
because one or more findbugs analysis tasks is no longer up-to-date.



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