On 9/18/18 8:00 AM, Kaos wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I've recently stepped into a Systems Admin role for a new company, taking
> over for the previous admin. We use Guacamole alot in our organization- and
> the previous admin did not leave documentation at all. And while nothing is
> broken, I have no admin access to Guacamole. I do have access to the
> physical server of course, and shell access. 

I'd suggest you setup a wiki, support / tickets tracker and a web
password manager in preparation of the day you'll leave this to the next
sysadmin :) Redmine and Syspass have worked fine for me.

>  Is there a way to recover the admin credentials? Possibly elevate an
> existing account? Create new account with admin? My linux skills are not as
> strong as they should be yet-so I may need a bit of hand holding.

I couldn't find anything describing every step but you should first find
out which authentication method is used (database, basic auth, LDAP,
etc.), then check how it works and create/modify a user to get access.
For example the documentation describes basic authentication
and database authentication
<https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/jdbc-auth.html>. You will then
need to determine if you need to change a user, elevate its permissions,
or else. Before making any changes, backup your environment and database!

Good luck,


Fabián Rodríguez

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