I have created an installation script for Apache Guacamole in RHEL/CentOS 7.x and up. I was hoping to get some feedback on it and maybe even some help improving it.
The Github repo can be found at https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel Some key features of the script are: - Allows installing from Stable version or git source - Installs and configures dependent packages including Nginx, JDBC/LDAP extensions, MariaDB, Java KeyStore, etc. - Can use LDAP as an authentication method without modifying the LDAP server (sign in with AD credentials) - Has options for LetsEncrypt cert or self-signed cert - Hardened Nginx SSL settings option (scored A+ on Qualys SSL Labs SSL Test) - Hardens MariaDB - Nginx URI Path parameter (changes URL from default to something shorter like http://domain.com/) - Option for DHE/Forward Secrecy via ssl_dhparam in Nginx - Logging the script activities - etc. I am interested in feedback, constructive criticism, and help testing and updating the script. Please be kind I am not a programmer by trade and I am well aware the script isn't perfect. The Github repo (especially the documentation) is very much still a work in progress. Currently I am unable to test the LetsEncrypt portion of the script as I would like. I want to move away from downloading the standalone version of Certbot and instead install it from the Distros repo. The scripts silent/unattended and help portions need attention too. I have listed in the wiki on my Github repo some additional features I would like to add as well. I am hoping the script will help others and that I/We can further refine it to make it a great option for those looking to setup Apache Guacamole without the fuss of doing it entirely manually. Thanks PS: this is posted on reddit as well at: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxadmin/comments/9xfdvr/apache_guacamole_installation_script_for/ -- Sent from: http://apache-guacamole-general-user-mailing-list.2363388.n4.nabble.com/