First, if you are trying to set up SSL/TLS in front of the web application,
this is not the way. This affects only the (internal) communication between
Tomcat and guacd.

Assuming this is indeed what you're looking for (you are trying to encrypt
the internal, non-user-facing communication between Tomcat and guacd), did
you set the corresponding properties in When
encrypting communication between Tomcat and guacd, both ends need to be
configured for this:

If you are just looking to encrypt the user-facing side of things, you
don't need to do any of this. You should instead look to set up Apache or
Nginx as a reverse proxy to provide SSL termination in front of Tomcat:

- Mike

On Sun, Jul 5, 2020, 16:07 Henri Alves de Godoy
<> wrote:

> I promise it's my last question for today ;-)
> When I put the certificate settings in guacd, I have in the log:
> Jul  5 20:00:34 guacd[14248]: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.2.0
> started
> Jul  5 20:00:34 guacd[14248]: Communication will require SSL/TLS.
> Jul  5 20:00:34 guacd[14248]: Using PEM keyfile
> /etc/pki/tls/certs/cert-key.pem
> Jul  5 20:00:34 guacd[14248]: Using certificate file
> /etc/httpd/certs/cert-final.pem
> Jul  5 20:00:34 guacd[14248]: Listening on host, port 4822
> However when establishing a connection to Windows via RDP, I can't. and
> appears in the log:
> guacd[14248]: ERROR:    Unable to set up SSL/TLS: SSL accept failed
> guacd[14248]: ERROR:    Unable to set up SSL/TLS: SSL accept failed
> guacd[14248]: ERROR:    Unable to set up SSL/TLS: SSL accept failed
> Any tips on what might be happening?
> Thank you
> --
> Henri Alves Godoy
> Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
> Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas - FCA
> Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP
> Fone: (19) 3701-6682

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