On Wed, Jul 29, 2020, 17:02 Gabriel Huerta Araujo
<huert...@globalhitss.com.invalid> wrote:

> For my user I have two tokens
> These are their responses
> Token
> gabriel?token=8B05F622CBF6CA36C1AF8A805473BB059DF70B9E245832CED820D554621E402D
> {"username":"gabriel","attributes":{"guac-email-address":null,"guac-organizational-role":null,"guac-full-name":"Gabriel
> Prueba","expired":null,"timezone":null,"access-window-start":null,"guac-organization":"CNS
> SISTEMAS","access-window-end":null,"disabled":null,"valid-until":null,"valid-from":null},"lastActive":1596065328000}
> Token
> gabriel?token=8B05F622CBF6CA36C1AF8A805473BB059DF70B9E245832CED820D554621E402D
> {"username":"gabriel","attributes":{}}
> Last token generated lost its information.  How can I solve it?

Those aren't two tokens; they are one token, being used for two separate
REST API requests. The parts of the URL that would provide context are
missing above, but these are presumably requests which are retrieving user
information from two distinct data sources.

It is normal and expected that multiple data sources are present and that
each returns different data.

- Mike

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