
I have 3 pc : pc1, pc2 and server.
server runs the guacd process (version 1.3.0). It runs under Mageia7.
pc1 runs under Mageia8.
pc2 runs under Mageia7.
server and pc1 have the lib64ssh2 packages installed (not pc2) :

I can connect from pc1 or pc2 to server using either an ssh connection or a vnc one. Now, if I want to connect from pc2 to pc1 using an ssh connection, I get the following error message :

On server :
Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[32680]: Creating new client for protocol "ssh"
Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[32680]: Connection ID is "$1654b89f-87be-41cb-93c8-00d124058a97" Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[752]: User "@4b8812aa-d0d7-42fb-8370-ed2ca09ff21e" joined connection "$1654b89f-87be-41cb-93c8-00d124058a97" (1 users now present) Mar  7 17:54:17 server server[32690]: 17:54:17.144 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "xuo" connected to connection "3".
Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[752]: SSH handshake failed.
Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[752]: User "@4b8812aa-d0d7-42fb-8370-ed2ca09ff21e" disconnected (0 users remain) Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[752]: Last user of connection "$1654b89f-87be-41cb-93c8-00d124058a97" disconnected Mar  7 17:54:17 server guacd[32680]: Connection "$1654b89f-87be-41cb-93c8-00d124058a97" removed.

On pc1 :
Mar  7 17:54:31 pc1 sshd[773109]: Unable to negotiate with port 38812: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss [preauth]

( = server).

I can connect in both ways (pc1 to server and server to pc1 with the ssh command line).

Could you help me to solve this issue ?



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