On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 3:39 PM Sanjeevi Mahalingam
<smahalin...@vitechinc.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello Guacamole Team,
> We are using Amazon Marketplace AMI for Guacamole Application and, we
> launched an EC2 machine. We can able to login the guacamole console however
> the RDP to Windows machine is not working within same network.
The Guacamole Project does not publish any official AWS AMI for the
application, so I'm not sure who produced this.

> Please assist in case of any misconfiguration against the guacamole-server.
> When I did the below command.
> guacd -b <IP_Address> then the error is
> "ERROR:     Unable to bind socket to any addresses."
When you run "guacd -b <IP>", the value for "<IP>" should be one of the IP
addresses of the system running guacd, not the system you're trying to
connect to. This is the IP address to which guacd binds, not the IP to
which it connects.

Also, Guacamole is made up of two components:
1) guacd, or guacamole-server, the component that connects to the remote
desktop systems (RDP, SSH, etc.), and translates that to the Guacamole
2) guacamole-client, the web-based front-end application, which runs in a
Java application server (Tomcat, for example), serves the web application,
and provides the tunnels between the browser and guacd.

You need *both* of these components to use Guacamole as a whole.

I highly suggest you start by reading the documentation on the Guacamole
site to gain an understanding of how it works and how to configure it - it
seems that there is some misunderstanding in how to use Guacamole to
correctly configure and use Guacamole.



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