
I'm creating a custom authenticator that searches for existing VNC sessions
and populates the user's home page with connections for them.  They can
also launch a new VNC session (which I've implemented with a special SSH
session).  However, once that completes (and disconnects), I want to send
them back to their home page, *and make it reload* so that their new VNC
session appears.  Currently, I don't see anything in the apache or tomcat
logs to suggest that the client web browser is requesting a page.  All I
see is - - [30/Nov/2021:10:22:46 -0500] "POST /guacamole/api/tokens
HTTP/1.1" 200 496 - - [30/Nov/2021:10:22:46 -0500] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 333

so I guess my question is, can I, say, populate that menu with a button
that will cause the browser to re-request the home page, or otherwise cause
a home page update?


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