
We'll probably need more information than this to be able to assist you.

For instance:

The version of Guacamole you've installed.
The authentication method you chose (are you using database auth?)
How you installed it (the steps you used, did you use someone's script?)

Also, it looks as if you might want to address the rsyslog issue. Strange it's coming up from a fresh Ubuntu install, but perhaps try update/upgrade first. If that doesn't work you may need to look at rsyslog.conf and compare it against

Finally, when fault-finding I try to look for common causes to an issue. In your case it raises a question as to why you're experiencing logging issues as well as the Guacamole auth problem. You mentioned this was a fresh install - I wonder what that means? Was this a completely new HDD, new install of 20.04, or perhaps did you install/upgrade over an existing version of Ubuntu?

On 2/12/21 3:30 pm, Vincent Sprague wrote:
rsyslogd: action 'action-8-builtin:omfile' suspended (module 'builtin:omfile'), retry 0. There should be messages before this one giving the reason for suspension. [v8.2001.0 try ]

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