Hello, everyone,
I've posted a couple of times out this in various places, but I'm seeing
some really odd behavior after version 1.4.0 for Ctrl-Shift-Alt sequences.
I've used the Keyboard API tester, and I'm seeing a few oddities, there, as
well. I will try to describe them as best I can, though it's a little hard
to describe...

First, I see an issue where, during the Ctrl-Shift-Alt keypress sequence,
the Alt key-down doesn't get sent until another key is released. Here's the
sequence that I press:

* Press Control
* Press Shift
* Press Alt
* Release Control
* Release Shift
* Release Alt

Here is how the actual timing works out on the Keyboard API Test page:
* Press Control
guacamole keydown 0xffe3 Left control
* Press Shift
guacamole keydown 0xffe1 Left shift
* Press Alt
* Release Control
guacamole keyup 0xffe3 Left control
guacamole keydown 0xffe9 Left alt
* Release Shift
guacamole keyup 0xffe1 Left shift
guacamole keyup 0xffe9 Left alt
* Release Alt

Two things jump out, here:
* The "Alt" keydown doesn't get sent until the "Control" key is release.
* Both the "Shift" and "Alt" keyup events occur as soon as "Shift" is
released - while "Alt" is still pressed.

The second interesting one is this:
* Press Control
* Press Shift
* Press Alt
* Release Alt
* Release Shift
* Release Control

This results in the following sequence:
* Press Control
guacamole keydown 0xffe3 Left control
* Press Shift
guacamole keydown 0xffe1 Left shift
* Press Alt
* Release Alt
guacamole keydown 0xffe9 Left alt
guacamole keydown 0xffe7 Left meta
guacamole keyup 0xffe7 Left meta
guacamole keyup 0xffe9 Left alt
* Release Shift
guacamole keyup 0xffe1 Left shift
* Release Control
guacamole keyup 0xffe3 Left control

The items of note, here, are that:
* The Alt keydown is not sent until Alt is actually released.
* The Meta keydown is sent along with the Alt keydown, which is completely

The practical implications of this are that the hidden Guacamole menu gets
stuck or the web page things that a key is still pressed, so that, after
the first time that I open the menu, if I simply press Ctrl-Shift, the menu
pops in or pops out, presumably because there is some "confusion" about the
state of the keys.

It's entirely possible that my window manager (Xfce) is throwing some
challenges into the mix, but this only stopped working for me after
updating from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0, with the same window manager, so _something_
in that version change seems to have broken things for me. Any ideas?

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