

You may want to make sure Pulse audio is installed.


For your file transfer look at the image below, the key here is the 
${GUAC_USERNAME} this will create a folder in the path specified for the user 
account logging in. 

Also never use 777 set the permission recursive chmod –R 755 

Then you will need to make sure the guacd service is owner of the folder path 
chown –r guacd: /home/guacamole/share 

Note the –r maybe –R if you get an error.

Hope this helps.



Thank You

Sean Hulbert


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From: Dylan Francis [mailto:dylanfrancish...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 9:58 AM
To: user@guacamole.apache.org
Subject: Enabling Audio and/or Drive Breaks RDP



We have deployed Guacamole 1.4.0 on a Debian box and we are able to RDP into 
remote machines through the web interface, so long as we disable audio and 
prevent the ability to transfer files to and from the box.


The lack of audio isn't a huge deal, we don't really expect anyone to watch the 
latest Avengers movie via RDP but we do need to be able to send files to the 
remote machines.


On the box hosting Guacamole, we made a folder called "share" and (for 
troubleshooting at least) set the permission to 777. This is located at 
/etc/guacamole/share. Within the web interface, we set the Drive name to 
"share" and the drive path to "/home/guacamole" (we also tried 
"/home/guacamole/share"). We have tried both automatically creating the drive 
and not auto creating it but it doesn't seem to make a difference.


As soon as we try to turn it on, the Guacamole server will connect to the 
remote machine (with a black screen) but as soon as the mouse is moved, the 
connection is dropped and we get kicked.


The guacamole .so file is where it should be in the freerdp2 folder based on 
the guides I've read online. My team and I have spent time reading and trying 
everything we can find online regarding these issues but it hasn't worked 


Is this something that any of you amazing people have run into? Any tips. 
tricks, guidance, or even just words of encouragement would be great.





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