This is an issue with Openssh and how the keys are handled, you can either
adjust the configuration or down grade ssh. 



You could add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config and/or sshd_config

Host *

HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa




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From: Jorge Lopez [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 3:58 AM
Subject: OpenSSH-format private keys / Ed25519




with Rocky Linux 9 release we are unable to connect to our remote servers
caused by host key type.


This is the error traceback:


Nov 22 10:18:13 lm2vergpckeys01 sshd[359955]: Connection closed by
‘ip_address’ port 37578
Nov 22 10:18:31 lm2vergpckeys01 sshd[359962]: Connection from ‘ip_address’
port 56553 on ‘ip_address’ port 22 rdomain ""
Nov 22 10:18:31 lm2vergpckeys01 sshd[359962]: Unable to negotiate with
‘ip_address’ port 56553: no matching host key type found. Their offer:
ssh-rsa,ssh-dss [preauth]


We are using guacd docker image with our own client development.


Is there a workaround without modify this in remote server (security
requisites) and enable in guacd?


When is guacd v1.5 expected to be released in which I have seen in the code
that this is fixed? 




Jorge López Díaz 
Managed Services Operations Senior Analyst 

EQUINIX | Calle Valgrande 6, 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid, España 
E  <> | M



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