> journalctl --since 09:17
> juil. 15 09:17:47 ordi4 server[1272619]: 09:17:47.453 [http-nio-8080-exec-4]
> WARN  o.a.g.e.AuthenticationProviderFacade - The "mysql" authentication 
> provider has encountered an internal error which will halt the authentication
> process. If this is unexpected or you are the developer of this 
> authentication provider, you may wish to enable debug-level logging. If this 
> is expected and
> you wish to ignore such failures in the future, please set 
> "skip-if-unavailable: mysql" within your guacamole.properties.
> juil. 15 09:17:47 ordi4 server[1272619]: 09:17:47.462 [http-nio-8080-exec-4]
> ERROR o.a.g.rest.RESTExceptionMapper - Unexpected internal error:
> juil. 15 09:17:47 ordi4 server[1272619]: ### Error querying database.  Cause: 
> java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not connect to 
> address=(host=localhost)(port=3306)(type=master) : (conn=40850) Trying to 
> connect with ssl, but ssl not enabled in the server

Have you checked your MySQL configuration to make sure that SSL is
enabled? You can also try setting "mysql-ssl-mode" in your
guacamole.properties file to "disabled" and see if that helps.

> mysql-connector-java.jar comes from the following mageia package : 
> mysql-connector-java-8.0.22-2.mga8
> While I am writing this email, I wonder if I should not try to install a more 
> recent version of mysql-connector-java (mysql-connector-j-8.0.33 is the 
> latest one) instead of the one coming from MariaDB connector/J3.1.4
> Even though in my guacamole.properties, there is :
> mysql-driver: mariadb
> mysql-hostname: localhost
> ...

Yes, you could also try updating the MySQL Connector/J - but I'd try
the SSL settings, first.


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