On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 9:09 AM Antoine Besnier
<besnier_anto...@yahoo.fr.invalid> wrote:

> The extension needs to be built separately (license issue).
> But follow the documentation, and you're good to go:
> RADIUS Authentication — Apache Guacamole Manual v1.5.3
> <https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/radius-auth.html>
> Regards
> Antoine

Good point, Antoine - the stock Docker image likely does not contain the
JAR file for the RADIUS extension due to these license issues, and it will
likely need to be built manually with the correct options.

> Le mercredi 27 septembre 2023 à 05:45:29 UTC+2, Mark Rupright
> <mark.rupri...@emerysapp.com.invalid> a écrit :
> Does the guacamole docker container natively support radius? If not, would
> someone kindly point me in the right direction to get it configured? I have
> added the variables for radius thinking it was supported to my compose file
> and receive the following error(s) referencing each variable:
>  services.guacamole Additional property RADIUS_HOSTNAME is not allowed

Can you confirm the version of the Docker image you're running, and from
what source? This doesn't look like an error message that is part of the
official Guacamole image/startup script.



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