I have a feature request, but before opening a probably useless JIRA issue, I'd 
like to discuss this here.
Let's assume that TOTP is activated and an user wants to change his TOTP 
device, or wants to use different apps, for example one on their phone and one 
on their computer.
In Guacamole, once the TOTP secret has been confirmed, the only way to show it 
again is to go to the database and query it with something like SELECT * FROM 
guacamole_user_attribute WHERE attribute_name='guac-totp-key-secret' AND 
user_id = (SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = 'username' AND 
type ='USER'); or SELECT guacamole_user.user_id, guacamole_user.entity_id, 
name, attribute_value FROM 
guacamole_entity,guacamole_user,guacamole_user_attribute WHERE 
guacamole_user_attribute.user_id = guacamole_user.user_id AND 
guacamole_user.entity_id = guacamole_entity.entity_id AND attribute_name = 
'guac-totp-key-secret' and name like 'username'; which first, is not avaible to 
generic users, and two, requires you to know the database schema.
Or to ask an admin to reset the TOTP confirmation, and make sure you have all 
your devices ready when re-enrolling.
Would it be practical to have the option to show the secret key somewhere, 
probably in the Settings > Preference tab, only for the currently logged in 
user of course?
I am an amateur user, and use Guacamole on a home network. What would be the 
larger implications if the secret key could be displayed?

In my opinion, because username/password is something-you-know, and TOTP is 
something-you-have, and because you need both to log in, I don't believe begin 
able to see the secret key when you are already logged in is big security issue.
Looking forward to reading your ideas.
Thanks you

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