On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 12:35 AM anoop yadav <anoop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> You are right I changed the timeout for the load balancer to 2147483645
> (INT MAX - by default it was 30 sec), and now the issue is fixed, but I
> still don't understand why this timeout on the load balancer was causing
> the issue.
It will depend on what the load balancer sees as "activity" and how traffic
is routed. For example, if the load balancer doesn't see ongoing Websocket
communication as activity, and is expecting HTTP(S) commands from the
client-side, that may result in it timing out the connection. Or, if the
connection is timing out after 30 seconds because the user is not doing
anything (typing/moving mouse on client side), and the only traffic is
coming from the server-side, then it may want to close the connection. Or
it could be that the load balancer is seeing the repeated "NOP" commands
that go back-and-forth between client and guacd and deciding that those
represent a "keepalive" attempt by one end or the other, and is configured
to ignore attempts to keep connections alive.

You might dig into the load balancer configuration and see if there are
other parameters that can be adjusted to tweak how it identifies idle
connections, or just eliminate that functionality entirely for the
Guacamole traffic.


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