
You might want to clarify if you are connecting to a Microsoft Windows
machine or to a Linux machine running xrdp?

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <dcheb...@gmu.edu> wrote:

> Hi
> I’m working on custom auth. provider. The provider takes URL with
> hostname&username&password and then connects to RDP session on hostname
> provided in URL. Everything seems be working fine, but I’m not able to
> connect to more then one hostname in my case - I always connect to 1st
> session even when I supply different hostname parameter in URL.
> The guacamole log files indicates that guacamole username and RDP username
> is the same (guac’s using username from config.setParameter("username",
> username) - the same as RDP).
> I thought if I could use different usernames for guacamole authentication
> and RDP auth then I should be able to open multiple RDP sessions for the
> same RDP username.
> Is it possible to use different username for guac. auth - not the same
>  ‘username’ for RDP connection? Or treat every connection as a new session,
> even if RDP username is the same?
> Thank you,
> --
> Dmitri Chebotarov
> 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5 [https://goo.gl/maps/w2nCJ6APrHC2]
> Phone: (703) 993-6175 | Fax: (703) 993-3404 <(703)%20993-3404>
> Public key: [https://goo.gl/SlE8tj]

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