Hi Antony,

If you're referring to font smoothing, this isn't specific to RemoteApp,
but it is indeed disabled by default for RDP connections within Guacamole.
There are options to override those defaults:


In this case, the option you're looking for is "enable-font-smoothing". If
you're using Guacamole's admin interface, there will be a checkbox for
this, as well.

- Mike

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Antony Awaida <ant...@apporto.com> wrote:

> To avoid any confusion I am not talking about the screen resolution, my
> concern is that the text on the native RemoteApp appear crisper. This may
> not matter for apps such as MS Project, for apps such as Adobe or graphic
> intensive apps, this may be a concern.
> Thanks!
> Antony
> ᐧ
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 7:55 PM, Antony Awaida <ant...@apporto.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone:
>> We are experimenting with Guac and so far it looks great. (and BTW, I am
>> a Guac newb)
>> One item we have been looking into is the display/resolution. To
>> understand the issue take a look at the attached screenshot which shows the
>> rendering of MS project using Remoteapp vs Guac.
>> My questions are:
>> 1- Is there a way to bring the Guac display/resolution closer to the
>> native Remoteapp
>> 2- Other than configurations on this page, https://guacamole.incuba
>> tor.apache.org/doc/gug/configuring-guacamole.html is there any other
>> configs to achieve our objective?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Antony Awaida
>> www.apporto.com
>> ᐧ
> --
> Antony Awaida
> www.apporto.com

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