On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:54 PM, prannon <pendergrassje...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Guacamole only allows for files less than 1 mb to be uploaded over an SSH
> connection in my setup. Anything over 1 mb gives me a permissions error. I
> have been unable to find any permissions errors in my tomcat log, in debug
> output from guacd, or in my SSH secure log when set to debug.
> I'm using the MySQL + LDAP authentication plugins, and the behavior seems
> to
> be present regardless of whether these plugins are enabled or not, used in
> combination, or not.
> My current theory is that there is some sort of file size limitation in
> tomcat that is preventing me from being able to upload files larger than a
> certain size, but I'm not sure what that limit specification is or how to
> modify it. My attempts to modify any sort of filesize limit via web.xml
> files have been unsuccessful so far.
> (referring to this as a guide on file size limitations:
> http://tecadmin.net/increase-tomcat-upload-file-size-limit/)
Yes, that's one of the possibilities, though I believe Tomcat's default
limit is 2 MB.

If you're using Nginx to proxy the Guacamole connection, that's a more
likely cause, as it's default upload limit is 1 MB, which matches what
you're seeing exactly.

Other than that, Guacamole itself imposes no such limits.

- Mike

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