We have no proxy on the network. And the antivirus on my machine is turned
And as I said, soon after giving the timeout error if I click on reconnect,
the connection will normally no problem.

It is a fresh installation of the ubuntu server on Virtual Machine and
guacamole. All servers are all from the same network as well.

I also tried to use the browser in anonymous mode but it has the same
effect. Linux server also has no active firewall.

Maybe some parameter on the linux server I've gone unnoticed, or something

My intention to use Guacamole is only to record the remote connections for
audit purposes.

If you have something else that I can clarify please let me know.


Jorge Camara

2017-02-16 0:56 GMT-02:00 Mike Jumper <mike.jum...@guac-dev.org>:

> As both guacd and the web application are reporting that the other is not
> responding, the most likely explanation from my experience would be:
> 1) There is something on the network between the browser and the Guacamole
> server which is eating/buffering the data stream (such as a proxy or
> certain virus scanning software)
> 2) guacd is waiting for a response from the client before sending further
> data
> 3) With the client waiting for guacd, and guacd waiting for the client,
> both timeout at the same time.
> Do you know if there might be a proxy between the browser in question and
> the Guacamole server?
> - Mike
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Jorge Camara <jorge.cam...@webaula.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi  people.
>> I did not receive any response and would appreciate it if I had.
>> I would also like to know if anyone has at least been through this.
>> Best Regards.
>> Jorge
>> 2017-02-06 10:08 GMT-02:00 Jorge Camara <jorge.cam...@webaula.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I made a new install of Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and Guacamole
>>> 0.9.11-incubating released on February 3rd.
>>> Since the last version, I have occasionally had trouble connecting to
>>> some servers at random.
>>> An example is as we can see below. I clicked to connect to a server and
>>> it stays in this screen:
>>> [image: Imagem inline 1]
>>> After a while this screen appears:
>>> [image: Imagem inline 2]
>>> If I click on "reconnect" the connection will go normally. But if I wait
>>> a few minutes and try to reconnect to the same server, the same problems
>>> happen again.
>>> Below is the output of the guacd log in debug mode and tomcat8.
>>> I'm just using tomcat8, with mysql. Apache or nginx is not installed.
>>> Output of /var/log/syslog:
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[395]: Creating new client for protocol
>>> "rdp"
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[395]: Connection ID is
>>> "$5dd567e7-f7f0-4011-8c6a-c442d45266e3"
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "console" omitted. Using
>>> default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "console-audio" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "ignore-cert" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "disable-auth" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: No security mode specified.
>>> Defaulting to RDP.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: User resolution is 1440x804 at 96
>>> DPI
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "dpi" omitted. Using
>>> default value of 96.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Using resolution of 1440x804 at 96
>>> DPI
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "read-only" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-wallpaper"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-theming"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-font-smoothing"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter
>>> "enable-full-window-drag" omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter
>>> "enable-desktop-composition" omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-menu-animations"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "color-depth" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 16.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "disable-audio" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-printing"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-drive" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "drive-path" omitted.
>>> Using default value of "".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "create-drive-path"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-sftp" omitted.
>>> Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "sftp-hostname" omitted.
>>> Using default value of "wadc02.webaula.dc".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "sftp-port" omitted.
>>> Using default value of "22".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "sftp-username" omitted.
>>> Using default value of "".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "sftp-password" omitted.
>>> Using default value of "".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "sftp-passphrase"
>>> omitted. Using default value of "".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Resize method: none
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Parameter "enable-audio-input"
>>> omitted. Using default value of 0.
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: User 
>>> "@3f701d9c-192d-4f76-aa82-dbe1fee96e31"
>>> joined connection "$5dd567e7-f7f0-4011-8c6a-c442d45266e3" (1 users now
>>> present)
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Recording of session will be saved
>>> to "/etc/guacamole/rec//wadc02.11".
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Loading keymap "base"
>>> Feb  6 09:40:41 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
>>> Feb  6 09:41:11 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: User is not responding.
>>> Feb  6 09:41:11 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: User 
>>> "@3f701d9c-192d-4f76-aa82-dbe1fee96e31"
>>> disconnected (0 users remain)
>>> Feb  6 09:41:11 ubuntuimg guacd[408]: Last user of connection
>>> "$5dd567e7-f7f0-4011-8c6a-c442d45266e3" disconnected
>>> Output /var/log/tomcat8/catalina.out
>>> 09:40:41.223 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService
>>> - User "jorge" connected to connection "2".
>>> 09:40:56.272 [Thread-45] ERROR o.a.g.w.GuacamoleWebSocketTunnelEndpoint
>>> - Connection to guacd terminated abnormally: Connection to guacd timed out.
>>> 09:40:56.276 [Thread-45] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User
>>> "jorge" disconnected from connection "2". Duration: 15052 milliseconds
>>> I look forward to some help, and available for any questions.

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