On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:40 PM, Tabarane <tabar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just 3 question ,
> First of all , i'm a self-learning personal and want to do something with
> the Client provided by guacamole,
> I want to add a Button on the GUI beside Each connection , which allow me
> to
> do some task
> 1- incubator-guacamole-client-master can i modify the code and add/change
> to
> it?

You can do whatever you like to your copy of the code. Your changes will be
local to your copy.

2- i'm not a programmer but i can look to codes and get idea what is
> happening,and modiy it with help of google search and testing, my problem
> is
> all what i know about the client that its related to maven

The client is built using Maven, yes.

i have installed eclipse , but there is a lot of type of product to
> install, WHICH one will
> be correct to edit/modify the Client source

I have never had luck using Eclipse with Maven. I'm sure others may have. I
personally use Netbeans for this, and I find Netbeans' support for Maven to
be cleaner:


Really, whatever works best for you is best.

- Mike

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