Tjareson,While RDP currently has an option to pass through the client name, SSH 
does not.  I need to look and see if there's an easy way to enable this 
functionality in Guacamole, but the only thing I'd suggest today is that you 
might be able to find a way to use the "Execute Command" parameter for SSH 
connections to pass in that token.

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 9:34:55 AM EDT, Tjareson <> wrote:


I'm using an ncurses based database application, which makes use of the 
IP address of the ssh session from which it got used to e.g. chose the 
right printer, rfid reader etc.
This became web enabled now with guacamole and I was wondering if there 
is any easy way to get hold of the IP address of the web session which 
is used to connect via ssh to that application mentioned above.

The setup is like this:
user <-> nginx <-> tomcat <-> guacd <-> ssh <-> ncurses application

All components from nginx to the ncurses application are on the same 
server. But of course from the application side it looks always that the 
connection is coming from where tomcat/guacd sits, so in this 
I could probably somehow browse through all logs, 
/proc/<process-id>/status and netstat to somehow figure out, who is 
talking with whom, but I hope there is a more convenient approach for 
this? I found that there is ${GUAC_CLIENT_ADDRESS} but I'm not sure if 
there is any way to hand that over via ssh session.


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