
If you are getting the LocalFileSystem, you could try by putting
core-site.xml in a directory that's there in the classpath for the
Tomcat App (or include such a path in the classpath, if that's


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Visioner Sadak <visioner.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks steve thers nothing in logs and no exceptions as well i found that
> some file is created in my F:\user with directory name but its not visible
> inside my hadoop browse filesystem directories i also added the config by
> using the below method
> hadoopConf.addResource(
> "F:/hadoop-0.22.0/conf/core-site.xml");
> when running thru WAR printing out the filesystem i m getting
> org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem@9cd8db
> when running an independet jar within hadoop i m getting
> DFS[DFSClient[clientName=DFSClient_296231340, ugi=dell]]
> when running an independet jar i m able to do uploads....
> just wanted to know will i have to add something in my classpath of tomcat
> or is there any other configurations of core-site.xml that i am missing
> out..thanks for your help.....
> On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Steve Loughran <ste...@hortonworks.com>
> wrote:
>> well, it's worked for me in the past outside Hadoop itself:
>> http://smartfrog.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/smartfrog/trunk/core/hadoop-components/hadoop-ops/src/org/smartfrog/services/hadoop/operations/utils/DfsUtils.java?revision=8882&view=markup
>> Turn logging up to DEBUG
>> Make sure that the filesystem you've just loaded is what you expect, by
>> logging its value. It may turn out to be file:///, because the normal Hadoop
>> site-config.xml isn't being picked up
>>> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:08 AM, Visioner Sadak
>>> <visioner.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> but the problem is that my  code gets executed with the warning but file
>>>> is not copied to hdfs , actually i m trying to copy a file from local to
>>>> hdfs
>>>>    Configuration hadoopConf=new Configuration();
>>>>         //get the default associated file system
>>>>        FileSystem fileSystem=FileSystem.get(hadoopConf);
>>>>        // HarFileSystem harFileSystem= new HarFileSystem(fileSystem);
>>>>         //copy from lfs to hdfs
>>>>        fileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(new Path("E:/test/GANI.jpg"),new
>>>> Path("/user/TestDir/"));

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