On Sep 4, 2012, at 10:05 , Suresh Srinivas wrote:

> When these errors are thrown, please send the namenode web UI information. It 
> has storage related information in the cluster summary. That will help debug.

Sure thing.  Thanks.  Here's what I currently see.  It looks like the problem 
isn't the datanode, but rather the namenode.  Would you agree with that 

NameNode 'localhost:9000'

Started:         Tue Sep 04 10:06:52 PDT 2012
Version:         0.20.2-cdh3u3, 03b655719d13929bd68bb2c2f9cee615b389cea9 
Compiled:        Thu Jan 26 11:55:16 PST 2012 by root from Unknown
Upgrades:        There are no upgrades in progress.

Browse the filesystem
Namenode Logs
Cluster Summary

Safe mode is ON. Resources are low on NN. Safe mode must be turned off manually.
1639 files and directories, 585 blocks = 2224 total. Heap Size is 39.55 MB / 
888.94 MB (4%) 
Configured Capacity      :       49.21 GB
DFS Used         :       9.9 MB
Non DFS Used     :       2.68 GB
DFS Remaining    :       46.53 GB
DFS Used%        :       0.02 %
DFS Remaining%   :       94.54 %
Live Nodes       :       1
Dead Nodes       :       0
Decommissioning Nodes    :       0
Number of Under-Replicated Blocks        :       5

NameNode Storage:

Storage Directory       Type    State
/var/lib/hadoop-0.20/cache/hadoop/dfs/name      IMAGE_AND_EDITS Active

Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop, 2012.

Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    music.keithwiley.com

"And what if we picked the wrong religion?  Every week, we're just making God
madder and madder!"
                                           --  Homer Simpson

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