Can you please look at the jobtracker and tasktracker logs on nodes
where the task has been launched ? Also see if the job logs are
picking up anything. They'll probably give you clues on what is

Also, is HDFS ok ? i.e. are you able to read files already loaded etc.


On 9/19/12, Li Shengmei <> wrote:
> Hi,all
>          I revise the source codes of hadoop-1.0.3 and use ant to recompile
> hadoop. It compiles successfully. Then I "jar cvf hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar *"
> and copy the new hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar to overwirite the $HADOOP_HOME/
> hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar in every node machine. Then I use hadoop to test the
> wordcount application. But the application halts at map 0% reduce 0%.
>          Does anyone give suggestions?
> Thanks a lot.
> May

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