You need a stronger authentication method (Kerberos), period. It isn't
just fs -ls / you should be scared
about. Read Natty's post here, on what it means to run an insecure
cluster when you have secure requirements:
Firewalls can only help so much in multi-user environments.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Shin Chan <> wrote:
> Hello Bertrand ,
> Thanks for your reply.
> Apology if this confused you. Yes IP Tables is one of the way to go but my
> question is more if there is configuration within hadoop xml files to say if
> this user is there then only allow to see HDFS.
> I can see that we can do something for Map reduce jobs using acl properties
> ( old link for 1.x version)
> But does similar properties exists for HDFS side , where Namednode can see
> that this client is allowed to connect to cluster
> Thanks
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bertrand Dechoux
> Sent: 09/28/12 07:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Securing cluster from access
> What you are looking for is not related to Hadoop in the end. It is how to
> restrict requests in a network.
> 'Firewall' is a broad term. iptables can allow you to do so quickly. You
> drop everything and then accept only from a set of IPs.
> You may receive answers using this mailing list but its purpose is not
> really to discuss about firewall solutions and configurations.
> Regards
> Bertrand
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Shin Chan <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have 15 node cluster and right now we dont have Kerberos implemented.
>> But on urgent basis we want to secure the cluster.
>> Right now anyone who know IP of Namenode can just download the Hadoop jar
>> , configure xml files and say
>> hadoop fs -ls /
>> And he can see the data.
>> How to stop this ?
>> We have Hadoop 2.0 verison
>> Do we have any configuration settings which we can change so that only set
>> of users or set of IPs should be able to see the HDFS.
>> We dont have firewall implemented yet outside cluster so that is not an
>> option.
>> Thanks in advance for your help
> --
> Bertrand Dechoux
> Thanks and Regards ,

Harsh J

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