I use -put -get commands to bring files in/our of HDFS from/to my home 
directory on EC2. Then use WinSCP to download files to my laptop.

Andy Kartashov
Architecture R&D, Co-op
1340 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, L1V 0C4
* Phone : (905) 837 6269
* Mobile: (416) 722 1787

From: Visioner Sadak [mailto:visioner.sa...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 11:53 AM
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: copyFromLocal

guys i have hadoop installled in a remote box ... does copyFromLocal method 
copies data from tht local box only wht if i have to copy data from uses 
desktop pc(for example E drive) thru my my web application will i have to first 
copy data to tht remote box using some java code then use copyFromLocal method 
to copy in to hadoop....

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