Thanks for the long discussion Mile. Learned a lot from you.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Michael Segel

> Yup.
> The counters at the end of the job are the most accurate.
> On Oct 22, 2012, at 3:00 AM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
> Thanks for the help so much, Mike. I learned a lot from this discussion.
> So, the conclusion I learned from the discussion should be, since how/when
> JT merge counter in the middle of the process of a job is undefined and
> internal behavior, it is more reliable to read counter after the whole job
> completes? Agree?
> regards,
> Lin
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Michael Segel 
> <>wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2012, at 1:45 AM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the detailed reply, Mike. Yes, my most confusion is resolved
>> by you. The last two questions (or comments) are used to confirm my
>> understanding is correct,
>> - is it normal use case or best practices for a job to consume/read the
>> counters from previous completed job in an automatic way? I ask this
>> because I am not sure whether the most use case of counter is human read
>> and manual analysis, other then using another job to automatic consume the
>> counters?
>> Lin,
>> Every job has a set of counters to maintain job statistics.
>> This is specifically for human analysis and to help understand what
>> happened with your job.
>> It allows you to see how much data is read in by the job, how many
>> records processed to be measured against how long the job took to complete.
>>  It also showed you how much data is written back out.
>> In addition to this,  a set of use cases for counters in Hadoop center on
>> quality control. Its normal to chain jobs together to form a job flow.
>> A typical use case for Hadoop is to pull data from various sources,
>> combine them and do some process on them, resulting in a data set that gets
>> sent to another system for visualization.
>> In this use case, there are usually data cleansing and validation jobs.
>> As they run, its possible to track a number of defective records. At the
>> end of that specific job, from the ToolRunner, or whichever job class you
>> used to launch your job, you can then get these aggregated counters for the
>> job and determine if the process passed or failed.  Based on this, you can
>> exit your program with either a success or failed flag.  Job Flow control
>> tools like Oozie can capture this and then decide to continue or to stop
>> and alert an operator of an error.
>> - I want to confirm my understanding is correct, when each task
>> completes, JT will aggregate/update the global counter values from the
>> specific counter values updated by the complete task, but never expose
>> global counters values until job completes? If it is correct, I am
>> wondering why JT doing aggregation each time when a task completes, other
>> than doing a one time aggregation when the job completes? Is there any
>> design choice reasons? thanks.
>> That's a good question. I haven't looked at the code, so I can't say
>> definitively when the JT performs its aggregation. However, as the job runs
>> and in process, we can look at the job tracker web page(s) and see the
>> counter summary. This would imply that there has to be some aggregation
>> occurring mid-flight. (It would be trivial to sum the list of counters
>> periodically to update the job statistics.)  Note too that if the JT web
>> pages can show a counter, its possible to then write a monitoring tool that
>> can monitor the job while running and then kill the job mid flight if a
>> certain threshold of a counter is met.
>> That is to say you could in theory write a monitoring process and watch
>> the counters. If lets say an error counter hits a predetermined threshold,
>> you could then issue a 'hadoop job -kill <job-id>' command.
>> regards,
>> Lin
>> On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Michael Segel <
>> > wrote:
>>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 10:27 PM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the detailed reply Mike, I learned a lot from the discussion.
>>> - I just want to confirm with you that, supposing in the same job, when
>>> a specific task completed (and counter is aggregated in JT after the task
>>> completed from our discussion?), the other running task in the same job
>>> cannot get the updated counter value from the previous completed task? I am
>>> asking this because I am thinking whether I can use counter to share a
>>> global value between tasks.
>>> Yes that is correct.
>>> While I haven't looked at YARN (M/R 2.0) , M/R 1.x doesn't have an easy
>>> way for a task to query the job tracker. This might have changed in YARN
>>> - If so, what is the traditional use case of counter, only use counter
>>> values after the whole job completes?
>>> Yes the counters are used to provide data at the end of the job...
>>> BTW: appreciate if you could share me a few use cases from your
>>> experience about how counters are used.
>>> Well you have your typical job data like the number of records
>>> processed, total number of bytes read,  bytes written...
>>> But suppose you wanted to do some quality control on your input.
>>> So you need to keep a track on the count of bad records.  If this job is
>>> part of a process, you may want to include business logic in your job to
>>> halt the job flow if X% of the records contain bad data.
>>> Or your process takes input records and in processing them, they sort
>>> the records based on some characteristic and you want to count those sorted
>>> records as you processed them.
>>> For a more concrete example, the Illinois Tollway has these 'fast pass'
>>> lanes where cars equipped with RFID tags can have the tolls automatically
>>> deducted from their accounts rather than pay the toll manually each time.
>>> Suppose we wanted to determine how many cars in the 'Fast Pass' lanes
>>> are cheaters where they drive through the sensor and the sensor doesn't
>>> capture the RFID tag. (Note its possible that you have a false positive
>>> where the car has an RFID chip but doesn't trip the sensor.) Pushing the
>>> data in a map/reduce job would require the use of counters.
>>> Does that help?
>>> -Mike
>>> regards,
>>> Lin
>>> On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Michael Segel <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, sorry...
>>>> I meant that if you were dynamically creating a counter foo in the
>>>> Mapper task, then each mapper would be creating their own counter foo.
>>>> As the job runs, these counters will eventually be sent up to the JT.
>>>> The job tracker would keep a separate counter for each task.
>>>> At the end, the final count is aggregated from the list of counters for
>>>> foo.
>>>> I don't know how you can get a task to ask information from the Job
>>>> Tracker on how things are going in other tasks.  That is what I meant that
>>>> you couldn't get information about the other counters or even the status of
>>>> the other tasks running in the same job.
>>>> I didn't see anything in the APIs that allowed for that type of flow...
>>>> Of course having said that... someone pops up with a way to do just that.
>>>> ;-)
>>>> Does that clarify things?
>>>> -Mike
>>>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> Sorry I am a bit lost... As you are thinking faster than me. :-P
>>>> From your this statement "It would make sense that the JT maintains a
>>>> unique counter for each task until the tasks complete." -- it seems each
>>>> task cannot see counters from each other, since JT maintains a unique
>>>> counter for each tasks;
>>>> From your this comment "I meant that if a Task created and updated a
>>>> counter, a different Task has access to that counter. " -- it seems
>>>> different tasks could share/access the same counter.
>>>> Appreciate if you could help to clarify a bit.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Lin
>>>> On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Michael Segel <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 11:27 AM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>>> Thanks for the detailed reply. Two quick questions/comments,
>>>>> 1. For "task", you mean a specific mapper instance, or a specific
>>>>> reducer instance?
>>>>> Either.
>>>>> 2. "However, I do not believe that a separate Task could connect with
>>>>> the JT and see if the counter exists or if it could get a value or even an
>>>>> accurate value since the updates are asynchronous." -- do you mean if a
>>>>> mapper is updating custom counter ABC, and another mapper is updating the
>>>>> same customer counter ABC, their counter values are updated independently
>>>>> by different mappers, and will not published (aggregated) externally until
>>>>> job completed successfully?
>>>>> I meant that if a Task created and updated a counter, a different Task
>>>>> has access to that counter.
>>>>> To give you an example, if I want to count the number of quality
>>>>> errors and then fail after X number of errors, I can't use Global counters
>>>>> to do this.
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> Lin
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Michael Segel <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> As I understand it... each Task has its own counters and are
>>>>>> independently updated. As they report back to the JT, they update the
>>>>>> counter(s)' status.
>>>>>> The JT then will aggregate them.
>>>>>> In terms of performance, Counters take up some memory in the JT so
>>>>>> while its OK to use them, if you abuse them, you can run in to issues.
>>>>>> As to limits... I guess that will depend on the amount of memory on
>>>>>> the JT machine, the size of the cluster (Number of TT) and the number of
>>>>>> counters.
>>>>>> In terms of global accessibility... Maybe.
>>>>>> The reason I say maybe is that I'm not sure by what you mean by
>>>>>> globally accessible.
>>>>>> If a task creates and implements a dynamic counter... I know that it
>>>>>> will eventually be reflected in the JT. However, I do not believe that a
>>>>>> separate Task could connect with the JT and see if the counter exists or 
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> it could get a value or even an accurate value since the updates are
>>>>>> asynchronous.  Not to mention that I don't believe that the counters are
>>>>>> aggregated until the job ends. It would make sense that the JT maintains 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> unique counter for each task until the tasks complete. (If a task fails, 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> would have to delete the counters so that when the task is restarted the
>>>>>> correct count is maintained. )  Note, I haven't looked at the source code
>>>>>> so I am probably wrong.
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 5:50 AM, Lin Ma <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> I have some quick questions regarding to Hadoop counter,
>>>>>>    - Hadoop counter (customer defined) is global accessible (for
>>>>>>    both read and write) for all Mappers and Reducers in a job?
>>>>>>    - What is the performance and best practices of using Hadoop
>>>>>>    counters? I am not sure if using Hadoop counters too heavy, there 
>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>    performance downgrade to the whole job?
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Lin

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