... another thought... do you happened to have some ungracefully  terminated 
jobs still running in the background..
Try "hadoop job -list"

Sometimes, when I hardstop a job  and restart a new one, I notice a slow down 
until I kill those jobs gracefully by running "hadoop job -kill <job-id> ". The 
job-ids are displayed by that previous command.

From: Robert Molina [mailto:rmol...@hortonworks.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:31 PM
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: jobtracker page @50030 timeout or take very long time.

Hi Patai,
Have you looked into verifying if it is network related, maybe see what the 
ping responses are to that node?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Patai Sangbutsarakum 
<silvianhad...@gmail.com<mailto:silvianhad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I have a check monitoring the page jobtracker:50030/jobtracker.jsp,
and the check shows timeout (180 sec) pretty often.
Once I jump and browse to the page it actually take me from 5 sec to 5
minutes to render.

the heap size is 12G. from top command it is not used up.

CPU load is 1 ish (in all 5, 10, 15 load)

disk is far from full

Swap is untouched

Any input for how to troubleshoot this will be useful and greatly grateful


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