This is on port 50075, correct?

From: Dhaval Shah []
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: HDFS Web UI - Incorrect context

Hello everyone.. I have a very weird issue at hand.. I am using CDH4.0.0 on one 
of my clusters and it works perfectly fine.. Now I tried deploying the same 
packages to another cluster with very similar configs (the only difference is 
machine names).. Hadoop does come up but the HDFS UI seems to have an incorrect 
Tomcat context.. The only thing it shows up is

Directory: /
webapps/         4096 bytes
            Nov 23, 2012 2:44:13 PM

When I click on webapps, it shows an option for hdfs and when I click hdfs, it 
takes me to http://localhost:50070/webapps/hdfs/dfshealth.jsp which throws a 
404.. Ideally /webapps/hdfs should have been the root context and this works 
correctly on my other cluster.. Any pointers?

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