
What do you mean by "shuffled bytes [to] the mappers"? If you mean
"from", it is "Reduce shuffle bytes" you look for; otherwise, you may
be looking for the per-map counter of "Map output bytes".

Per-partition counters can be constructed on the user side if needed,
by pre-computing the partition before emit (using the same
partitioner) and counting up the bytes of your objects for its

On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Eduard Skaley <e.v.ska...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I need a counter for shuffled bytes to the mappers.
> Is there existing one or should I define one myself ?
> How can I implement such a counter?
> Thank you and happy Christmas time,
> Eduard

Harsh J

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