It is very long and confusing. Here is my understanding of what happened even 
though I was not around for all of it.

0.1 - 0.20 was mostly main line development.  At that point there was a split 
and 0.20 was forked to add security, 0.20-security, and also to add in append 
support for H-BASE 0.20-append.  For a long time these branches were maintained 
and has bug fixes added to it while main line development went on with 0.21 and 
0.22.  0.20-security was merged with 0.20-append and was renamed 1.0.  It has 
continued with bug fixes and some new feature work back ported from trunk.

But development did not stop at 0.22.  0.23 was created to support YARN/MR-V2.  
At about the same time 0.24 was made for trunk.  When 0.20-security+append 
became 1.0, 0.23 became 2.0 and 0.24 became 3.0.  We at Yahoo! Have been in the 
process of stabilizing YARN for about a year or so.  Because 2.0 looked like 
new features were going to continue to go in we decided to keep 0.23 alive for 
stabilization purposes while 2.0 continued on.  It has since gotten several new 
features like HDFS-HA and protocol buffer based RPC for HDFS, and a few new 
features for YARN/MR.  So you can almost think of 0.23 as 2.0--.  We hope to 
move to 2.0 in the near future once it stabilizes and loses the alpha tag, at 
which point 0.23 would go away.

--Bobby Evans

From: Glen Mazza <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, January 4, 2013 10:30 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: Instructions on how to run Apache Hadoop 2.0.2-alpha?

OK, looking at the Hadoop branches: and tags:, it's thankfully not that bad.
There is no 0.24 in Hadoop, and the Maven pom files for the 2.0.2-alpha branch 
indeed say 2.0.2-alpha.  The Cloudera article linked to below mentions 0.24, 
but it's from 2011 and may have been at a time before the Hadoop team decided 
to relabel to 2.0 instead.  Looking at this again:,
 it appears to provide workable instructions, I'll try again with it.  Thanks 
for your assistance.


On 01/04/2013 11:17 AM, Chen He wrote:
Hi Glen

I agree with you. There are many versions and confusing. If you really want to 
know, you can check the developing and publishing documents. In 0.23's 
document, they must announced how many patches are included, as well as the 

Then you will exactly understand which one is which one.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Glen Mazza 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks for your response.  That's pretty vital information--I'm not used to 
separate development/publication versions.  Is the 0.23-->2.0.2 renumbering 
stated anywhere on the Hadoop website or wiki?  It's very confusing as people 
otherwise think there are three separate branches -- 0.2x.y, 1.x, and 2.x when 
there are really just two.

Also the releases page: mentions *both* 
0.23.x and 2.0.2 releases -- wouldn't the former be numbered as the latter, if 
as you're saying, 0.23 is published as 2.0.x?


On 01/04/2013 07:02 AM, Chen He wrote:
0.24 is the developing version, 2.0.2 is the publication version.

0.23 or above is published as 2.0.x

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Glen Mazza 
<<>> wrote:
Actually, those instructions are for Hadoop 0.24, not 2.0.2-alpha.


On 11/30/2012 03:40 PM, Cristian Cira wrote:
Dear Glen,


Cristian Cira
Graduate Research Assistant
Parallel Architecture and System Laboratory(PASL)
Shelby Center 2105
Auburn University, AL 36849

From: Glen Mazza [<>]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 2:37 PM
Subject: Instructions on how to run Apache Hadoop 2.0.2-alpha?

Hi, I was able to run Hadoop 1.0.4 single-node with no difficulty following 
these instructions: .

The corresponding page that we're referred to at the bottom of here: for Hadoop 2.0.2 is radically different, 
however, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with starting Hadoop:
 .  Is it because I'm looking at the wrong page or is it that Hadoop 2.0.2 is 
really so different that the instructions have radically changed?  Is there 
anything similar to 
that will show me how to run Hadoop 2.0.2?


Glen Mazza
Talend Community Coders -<>

Glen Mazza
Talend Community Coders -<>

Glen Mazza
Talend Community Coders -<>

Glen Mazza
Talend Community Coders -

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