Hi Barak,

As instructed on
do you also make sure to call the mos.close() function at the end of
Mapper (in its cleanup stage)?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Barak Yaish <barak.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to utilize MulitpleOutputs ( hadoop 1.0.4 ) to produce multiple
> files based on some policy. In the job i set:
> MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput( job, "rejected", TextOutputFormat.class,
> Text.class, NullWritable.class );
> And at the mapper:
> private MultipleOutputs<Text, Writable> mos;
> setup(): mos = new MultipleOutputs( context );
> map():   if( somecond )
>              {
>                      context.write( new Text( key ), NullWritable.get() );
>              }
>              else
>              {
>                      logger.info( "Going to write to mos: " + key );
>                      mos.write( new Text( key ), NullWritable.get(), "/tmp"
> );
>              }
> The problem I'm facing is that if multiple mappers running that code, I can
> see at the logs that the mos.write() is being invoked, but only one line is
> printed to the output file under /tmp. Is there some config I missed?
> Thanks.

Harsh J

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