Replication factor is a client-sent property for files (doesn't apply
to 'directories'), so there's currently no way to do this outside of
controlling the client/client-config of those that write to that
directory (for example, HBase can have a separate replication config,
for all writes to /hbase), or by periodically setting the factor
recursively on the directory (as your sample command does).

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Austin Chungath <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way for setting the default replication factor for specific
> directories?
> The default replication factor is 3 for the cluster. I don't want to change
> this global default, but I want specific directories to have different
> replication factor.
> I can use the following command to set the replication factor of files after
> they are created, but how to make it default for that directory?
> hadoop dfs -setrep -R -w 1 /user
> Thanks,
> Austin

Harsh J

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