The MapR videos on programming and map-reduce are all general videos.

The videos that cover capabilities like NFS, snapshots and mirrors are all
MapR specific since ordinary Hadoop distributions like Cloudera,
Hortonworks and Apache can't support those capabilities.

The videos that cover MapR administration are also MapR specific.

As a later poster suggested, specific links might help.

You can also ask MapR questions at if you want direct and
quick feedback on MapR topics like the videos.

On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 1:37 AM, Sai Sai <> wrote:

> Hi
> Could some one please verify if the mapr videos are meant for learning
> hadoop or is it for learning mapr. If we r interested in learning hadoop
> only then will they help. As a starter would like to just understand hadoop
> only and not mapr yet.
> Just wondering if others can share their thoughts and any relevant links.
> Thanks,
> Sai

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