Hi Techies,
I am new to Hadoop and I am fighting with this last 20days, somehowI got very 
good stuff on Hadoop.
But, some question are roaming around me...I hope, I can getthe answers from 
your end...!
I was setup a cluster in distributed mode with 5 nodes. Ihave configured 
Namenode and DataNodes and all datannodes are able to logingfrom namenode 
without password.
Hadoop and Java installed on same location in all the Nodes.After starting the 
cluster, I was check every node using with "jps"command.
NameNode it was shows that all 
Same process is I applied for Datanodes. But, Some nodesonly showing that 
TaskTracer running, only one node shows that DataNode andTaskTracker runs 
My Question is that the configuration files are required tocopy all the nodes 
which is located in $HADOOP_HOME/conf directory?
And why that DataNode is not running on remaining nodes?
Please clarify this doubts, so that I can able to moveahead... :)
Thank you,
M Shaik

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