
Thanks for the explanation. Where can I find the java code for balancer that 
utilizes the threshold value and calculate it myself as you mentioned ? I think 
I understand your calculation, but would like to see the code. 
If I set the threshold to 5 instead of 10, then the smaller nodes will have a 
maximum of 95% full where the larger nodes disk-usage will increase from 80% to 

Now my question to you and the experts is when I run the balancer, is the 
following command enough to set the threshold to a different value :

hadoop balancer -threshold 5
Thanks to all for the suggestions...


> today i thought about my advice for you and i have understood that i wrong.
> for example we have 100 nodes where 80 with 12Tb and 20 with 72 Tb.all node 
> have 10 Tb data.
> averege cluster dfs used 1000/2600*100=38.5
> for  12Tb node dfs used it is 83.3 from capacity
> for 72Tb nodes its 13.9.
> node is balanced if      averege cluster dfs used +threshold > node dfs used 
> >averege cluster dfs used - threshold.
> data will move from 12Tb to 72 Tb and when 12Tb nodes will have 48.5 of 
> capacity balancer will stop.
> In this time 72tb node have 36.1 % of capacity.
> the cluster will grow up,in ideal case when cluster dfs used capacity 90 % 
> .72Tb nodes will about 80% of capacity and 12Tb have  about 100 % 
> capacity.After that you have about 288Tb freespace

> -----
>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Tapas Sarangi <tapas.sara...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Yes, thanks for pointing, but I already know that it is completing the 
>> balancing when exiting otherwise it shouldn't exit. 
>> Your answer doesn't solve the problem I mentioned earlier in my message. 
>> 'hdfs' is stalling and hadoop is not writing unless space is cleared up from 
>> the cluster even though "df" shows the cluster has about 500 TB of free 
>> space. 
>> -------
>> On Mar 24, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Balaji Narayanan (பாலாஜி நாராயணன்) 
>> <bal...@balajin.net> wrote:
>>>  -setBalancerBandwidth <bandwidth in bytes per second>
>>> So the value is bytes per second. If it is running and exiting,it means it 
>>> has completed the balancing. 
>>> On 24 March 2013 11:32, Tapas Sarangi <tapas.sara...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, we are running balancer, though a balancer process runs for almost a 
>>> day or more before exiting and starting over.
>>> Current dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec value is set to 2x10^9. I assume that's 
>>> bytes so about 2 GigaByte/sec. Shouldn't that be reasonable ? If it is in 
>>> Bits then we have a problem.
>>> What's the unit for "dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec" ?
>>> -----
>>> On Mar 24, 2013, at 1:23 PM, Balaji Narayanan (பாலாஜி நாராயணன்) 
>>> <li...@balajin.net> wrote:
>>>> Are you running balancer? If balancer is running and if it is slow, try 
>>>> increasing the balancer bandwidth
>>>> On 24 March 2013 09:21, Tapas Sarangi <tapas.sara...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the follow up. I don't know whether attachment will pass 
>>>> through this mailing list, but I am attaching a pdf that contains the 
>>>> usage of all live nodes.
>>>> All nodes starting with letter "g" are the ones with smaller storage space 
>>>> where as nodes starting with letter "s" have larger storage space. As you 
>>>> will see, most of the "gXX" nodes are completely full whereas "sXX" nodes 
>>>> have a lot of unused space. 
>>>> Recently, we are facing crisis frequently as 'hdfs' goes into a mode where 
>>>> it is not able to write any further even though the total space available 
>>>> in the cluster is about 500 TB. We believe this has something to do with 
>>>> the way it is balancing the nodes, but don't understand the problem yet. 
>>>> May be the attached PDF will help some of you (experts) to see what is 
>>>> going wrong here...
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ------
>>>>> Balancer know about topology,but when calculate balancing it operates 
>>>>> only with nodes not with racks.
>>>>> You can see how it work in Balancer.java in  BalancerDatanode about 
>>>>> string 509.
>>>>> I was wrong about 350Tb,35Tb it calculates in such way :
>>>>> For example:
>>>>> cluster_capacity=3.5Pb
>>>>> cluster_dfsused=2Pb
>>>>> avgutil=cluster_dfsused/cluster_capacity*100=57.14% used cluster capacity
>>>>> Then we know avg node utilization (node_dfsused/node_capacity*100) 
>>>>> .Balancer think that all good if  avgutil 
>>>>> +10>node_utilizazation>=avgutil-10.
>>>>> Ideal case that all node used avgutl of capacity.but for 12TB node its 
>>>>> only 6.5Tb and for 72Tb its about 40Tb.
>>>>> Balancer cant help you.
>>>>> Show me http://namenode.rambler.ru:50070/dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=LIVE 
>>>>> if you can.
>>>>>> In ideal case with replication factor 2 ,with two nodes 12Tb and 72Tb 
>>>>>> you will be able to have only 12Tb replication data.
>>>>> Yes, this is true for exactly two nodes in the cluster with 12 TB and 72 
>>>>> TB, but not true for more than two nodes in the cluster.
>>>>>> Best way,on my opinion,it is using multiple racks.Nodes in rack must be 
>>>>>> with identical capacity.Racks must be identical capacity.
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> rack1: 1 node with 72Tb
>>>>>> rack2: 6 nodes with 12Tb
>>>>>> rack3: 3 nodes with 24Tb
>>>>>> It helps with balancing,because dublicated  block must be another rack.
>>>>> The same question I asked earlier in this message, does multiple racks 
>>>>> with default threshold for the balancer minimizes the difference between 
>>>>> racks ?
>>>>>> Why did you select hdfs?May be lustre,cephfs and other is better choise. 
>>>>> It wasn't my decision, and I probably can't change it now. I am new to 
>>>>> this cluster and trying to understand few issues. I will explore other 
>>>>> options as you mentioned.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> http://balajin.net/blog
>>>>> http://flic.kr/balajijegan
>>> -- 
>>> http://balajin.net/blog
>>> http://flic.kr/balajijegan

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