Thanks all who replied.

I was accidentally using old API hence could not find context argument to the map function.

This is solved.

On 04/02/2013 01:20 AM, Dino Kečo wrote:

You should check multiple input format class which enables you to have more input formats for same mapper.


On Apr 2, 2013 9:49 AM, "Yanbo Liang" < <>> wrote:

    protected void map(KEYIN key, VALUEIN value,
                         Context context) throws IOException,
    InterruptedException {
        context.write((KEYOUT) key, (VALUEOUT) value);

    Context is a parameter that the execute environment will pass to
    the map() function.
    You can just use it in the map() function.

    2013/4/2 Abhinav M Kulkarni <

        To be precise, I am using Hadoop 1.0.4.

        There is no local variable or argument named context in the
        map function.


        On 04/01/2013 09:06 PM, Azuryy Yu wrote:
        I supposed your input splits are FileSplit, if not, you need to:

        InputSplit split = context.getInputSplit();

        if (split instanceof FileSplit){
          Path path = ((FileSplit)split).getPath();

        On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Azuryy Yu
        < <>> wrote:

            In your map function add following:

            Path currentInput =


            if (currentInput is first ){

            On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Abhinav M Kulkarni
            <>> wrote:


                I have a following scenario:

                  * Two mappers (acting on two different files) and
                    one reducer
                  * The mapper code for two different files is the
                    same, except for minor change which depends on
                    which file is being read
                  * Essentially assume there is an if statement - if
                    first file is being read do this else do this

                So how do I provide this context to map function i.e.
                file name or say a boolean flag variable indicating
                the file being read?


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