I want to call HDFS REST api to upload a file using httplib.
My program created the file, but no content is in it.
Here is my code:
 import httplib conn=httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:50070") 
conn.request("PUT","/webhdfs/v1/levi/4?op=CREATE") res=conn.getresponse() print 
res.status,res.reason conn.close() 
conn=httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:50075") conn.connect() 
conn.endheaders() a_file=open("/home/levi/4","rb") a_file.seek(0) 
data=a_file.read() conn.send(data) res=conn.getresponse() print 
res.status,res.reason conn.close() 
Here is the return:
307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT   201 Created
OK, the file was created, but no content was sent.
When I comment the #conn.send(data), the result is the same, still no content.
Maybe the file read or the send is wrong, not sure.
Do you know how this happened?

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