On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 12:15 AM, mouna laroussi
<mouna.larou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to configure my Hadoop in tne pseudo distributed mode.
> when i arrive to the step to format namenode, i foind at the web page 50070
> "there are no namenode in the cluster.
> what shouled i do?
> is there any path to change?

Now sure which version of Hadoop you're interested in, but
if it is Hadoop 2 and you're planning to run it on a Linux
system I'd recommend using Bigtop's package hadoop-conf-pseudo
It is specifically designed to get you up and running with Hadoop
pseudo distributed cluster in a matter of minutes.

If this sounds appealing more details are available over here:


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