I've executed the commands as you've said, and the jar that is run is
unchanged. Here's exactly what I did.

C:\l\> start-dfs
C:\l\> start-yarn
C:\l\> cd
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.applications.distributedshell.Client -jar
-shell_command whoami
...modify logging code in
clean install -DskipTests
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.applications.distributedshell.Client -jar
-shell_command whoami
...identical output to before...

Do you see anything wrong with what I've done?


On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Omkar Joshi <ojo...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> Hi Curtis,
> where are you picking your jar file from? once you run above command you
> will see the updated jar file in
> "..../hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-applications/hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell/target/hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
> I hope you are not using below jar file
> "..../hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/share/hadoop/yarn/hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
> What chris has said is right.
> once you have taken latest code, you should follow below steps
> 1) mvn clean install -DskipTests (clean to remove previously generated
> code)
> 2) now say you are updating distributed shell client code. then go to
> ""..../hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-applications/hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell/"
> and then run "mvn clean install" and use jar from target sub folder.
> Thanks,
> Omkar Joshi
> *Hortonworks Inc.* <http://www.hortonworks.com>
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Curtis Ullerich 
> <curtuller...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I really appreciate the response. What you described is what I initially
>> tried. The changes never seem to take effect though. Here's what I've done
>> (this is Windows):
>> cd %hadoop_install_dir%
>> mvn clean package -DskipTests
>> mvn install -DskipTests
>> --- modify the code in distributed shell's Client.java ---
>> cd 
>> hadoop-yarn-project\hadoop-yarn\hadoop-yarn-applications\hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell
>> mvn clean
>> mvn package -DskipTests
>> mvn install -DskipTests
>> Then I run the jar, just as before. I've just been changing log
>> statements to see if the changes worked. They don't--the output doesn't
>> change after doing this rebuild. I've also tried clearing the files put on
>> HDFS in my user directory in case that was the issue. I've taken a more
>> thorough look at BUILDING.txt and I seemed to be consistent with the
>> procedures described there. Am I missing anything else? I've tried
>> restarting yarn and dfs, though I didn't think that would matter.
>> Thanks,
>> Curtis
>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Chris Nauroth <cnaur...@hortonworks.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Curtis,
>>> I handle this by running "mvn install -DskipTests" once from the root of
>>> the whole hadoop project to install the sub-modules in my local Maven
>>> repository.  Then, you can change your working directory to any sub-module
>>> (like distributed shell) and run a successful Maven build for just that
>>> sub-module.  Full details are in the BUILDING.txt file in the root of the
>>> hadoop project.  Look for the section titled "Building components
>>> separately".  I hope this helps.
>>> Chris Nauroth
>>> Hortonworks
>>> http://hortonworks.com/
>>> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Curtis Ullerich <curtuller...@gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> What is the way to compile just a subproject of Hadoop with Maven
>>>> (without rebuilding parent modules)? In my case I'm wondering about
>>>> DistributedShell. I thought that 
>>>> this<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114026/maven-modules-building-a-single-specific-module/3899772#3899772>would
>>>>  have worked but no changes seem to take effect after building this
>>>> way.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Curtis

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